Lending America LLC provides unsecured lines of credit and unsecured term loans to provide financing for your education.
We offer the best funding you can possibly qualify for.
Lending America LLC provides unsecured lines of credit and unsecured term loans to provide financing for your education.
We offer the best funding you can possibly qualify for.
1. Go get your credit report at Credit Check Total. Click here to go to CreditCheckTotal.com. Create your account and signup for a free seven day trial. You can cancel your account after you get your pre-approval back. Below you’ll see a short tutorial on how to download a PDF version of your credit report.
2. Fill out the form to the right and upload your credit report. (ProCredit does not provide any information in your credit report that can be compromised such as an SSN or specifics on identity or accounts.)
3. Submit your form. Pre-approvals will be sent to you within 24-72 hours.